Nov 4

Preserve White Flat

Dear Be Net,

This is the Preserve White Flat Group and we’d like to let people know that it’s likely that the council will be making a decision on the future of White Flat Tuesday the 14th of November, however this will be confirmed prior.

If we lose at council, and of course we are hoping for the best result which is they deny this application, we need to consider taking this to VCAT. We are trying to locate a planning lawyer in preparation. To fight this we will need funds possibly $4000.00. How much can you afford to pledge to our fighting fund? Think about how much this is going to cost us if they build it, then let Preserve White Flat know how much you could contribute to our fund. We understand everyone has other commitments, we just need you to start to think how much you can afford to offer.

Preserve White Flat Community Sausage Sizzle Sunday November 11th at 4.00pm on No 2 Oval at White Flat. Marquees for all weather and BBQ on site. Show our Councillors our resolve to defeat this proposal. We will invite all of the Councillors to come Sunday. A good day to wear our T shirts and present our petition. Something for them to think about before the council meeting Tuesday.

Please let emailĀ if you are coming for the News and the food.

Thanks Geraldine.

One comment

  1. BE Network says:

    This just in: Ballarat Council will not be considering the planning application at the council meeting this week. Councillors have requested further information. I will check again in 2 weeks to see if the matter is to be dealt with at the next meeting. Regards Geraldine. “Preserve WhiteFlat”

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