Pryor Park News October 2012
Pryor Park News October 2012
Working Bees:
Sunday October 28th 10am-12pm meet at Notice Board, bring gloves.
We will be cutting and painting the gorse and broom near the notice board and wildflower area, and looking at the beautiful wildflowers out at the moment. John is hoping to clear the blackwood that fell over in the winds, a big job definitely need help with this. Mowing is needed too of course, hopefully I should have some advice from the Council about this.
Sunday November 18th 10am-12pmĀ meet at Notice Board, bring gloves.
We will continue clearing up for the forthcoming fire season.
On October 12th some year 8 students from Ballarat Secondary Collage East walked over to the Park with two teachers and did a great job pulling up two areas of black plastic, and replacing the mulch and bagging up the plastic, thanks very much. I hope they will come back again. We also talked about the Park and looked at the area that has grown back naturally.
The Lease is still in discussion so we are no clearer on when and if we are going to get any help from the Council or the Golf Course with the maintenance on the Park.
We are just having these two working bees this season so I hope you can make it to one of them.