Feb 2

Q3. The Forest

We are so lucky to be living with a forest in our area, its like our own Central Park, and really could be as great, famous and fabulous… If we care enough. We know from the new group Friends of Canadian Corridor that the forest is at a cross-roads for what will happen in the future – will it be reduced in size, or well lots tracts of land that was once forest be re-vegetated? There will be a public forum soon where you can help to decide. In the meantime?

Onto Question 3 in our quest to support proper planning here in the East. Question 1 is still available here, and Question 2 is still available here, and I would encourage you to continue to answer as many times as you like…


In positive terms, what is the best way for residents to use the Forest?

This is a big picture, broad question, about the whole of Ballarat East. You do not need to live in the East to answer, we believe this area is important to maintain for the future of Ballarat as a whole.

In the comment section below, post a single idea in a single post. Make as many posts as you like. It’s okay to double up on answers that are already there, its about what YOU think, feel, enjoy…

sunset ballarat east



  1. Louise says:

    an escape. peace, quiet, time to reflect and relax

  2. Louise says:

    Historical viewing areas…gold mining, indigenous, flora & fauna

  3. Ditchy says:

    Map and signpost popular walking, running and mountian bike tracks

  4. Judyann says:

    Native forest should be returned to the recent plantation areas as a refuge for native animals, birds, and plants. And it would be a perfect start to fighting climate change.

  5. Alice Christie says:

    Use and retain the forest to limit and minimise the effects of climate change; this use will benefit all of us, not only immediate users.

  6. Judyann says:

    It would be good to have a walk surveyed, and developed, highlighting the historic mining areas of the Forest. There are mines, adits, water races, and other historical items still to be seen after 160 years. Maybe a heritage overlay would help too.

  7. Judyann says:

    I would like to see the Canadian Forest, Pryor Park, and Sparrow Ground to have at least State Park Status. Being a State Forest does not seem to guarantee protection of these unique,special places.

  8. edie says:

    I hear all the comments about ‘use’, sure, I agree, but I would like to make a plea for the forest to just ‘be’. I don’t have to even go there to enjoy it, I see it from my windows and from town, and I am pretty sure I breathe it

  9. Stephen Bigarelli says:

    A multi use forest for walking mountian bike riding and other passive activities. the more peple who us the forrest the better it will be for all users

  10. BE Network says:

    How can locals and visitors use the forest do you think? It’s by using the forest that people will create a connection with the forest and thus support its protection.

  11. Alice Christie says:

    Ensure that future generations have what we have had access to by placing a high emphasis on what it has to offer in providing clean air and biodiversity.

  12. Debbie says:

    walks, watching native wildlife

  13. Alice Christie says:

    Value the peace and tranquility of the forest

  14. Alice Christie says:

    Horrified to think it could be reduced in size. Maintain the forest size as is.

  15. Erin says:

    toilets and bbqs needed in transition area to forest to allow people to play and visit

  16. ksye says:

    picnic and leisure time to observe native animals

  17. Meredith says:

    survey plant and animal life

  18. Judyann says:

    Group walks with clubs, scouts, families, visitors.

  19. Judyann says:

    Cyclin,g individually or in groups

  20. Judyann says:

    Orienteering, the forest has had many maps made for this purpose.

  21. Judyann says:

    Photographing nature, plants, animals, birds.

  22. Judyann says:

    Discovering the many protected native terrestial orchids.

  23. Judyann says:

    Walking with kids and dogs

  24. Blake says:

    observing the diversity of plant species and habitats

  25. Blake says:

    Horse riding and walking

  26. Blake says:

    Orienteering on foot and mountain bikes

  27. Erin says:


  28. Erin says:

    By artists to record and document the forest

  29. Erin says:


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