Mar 31

Rally with Heart

Today well over 150 people marched from the Old Alexander’s Babies Home to the Old Orphanage in Victoria St…

The Rally was to show support for Forgotten Australians and that any development on the site should take into account the cultural, historical and social significance of the existence of the Orphanage over 120 years (the last 10 years it was Damascus School site). Images and video from the Rally will be released soon, we encourage you to subscribe here for news.

Here is Lauren Chester carrying her balloon in support, it was a very positive rally with ex-residents of the orphanage telling their stories and sharing their wishes for the site.


  1. Voterland says:

    Would you like to join Voterland which is currently running a “ResidentsSay” campaign to let government know what you want.

  2. Brian Cherrie says:

    It is disgusting that people have to go to this lengh to have a sensible outcome for this site, the council know damn well the significance of this site and they should not let developers to rip the place apart. This is an historic site and should be treated with the greatest respect of former residents.

  3. Frank Golding says:

    Thanks to the people of Ballarat East who supported the rally yesterday (Saturday 31 March). The former residents look forward to your support in achieving a sensitive development of the heritage site at 200 Victoria Street.

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