Regional Sustainability Alliance (RSA) Ballarat
A couple of weeks ago BE Net attended a workshop to support a gathering of all the groups in Ballarat that were interested in supporting and contributing to the sustainability of Ballarat.
Below is an outline of the umbrella group RSA Ballarat, and some of the fabulous work they have done to date.
Regional Sustainability Alliance (RSA) Ballarat
In February 2008, The Department of Sustainability and Environment called a meeting of Ballarat organisations who expressed an interest in submitting a proposal under the State Government’s Eco Living program. From this meeting, the group, then referred to as Sustainable Ballarat Alliance Partners, developed a business plan and a submission to the Eco Living program.
Following the submission in April 2009, the alliance partners then agreed on developing a network beyond the Eco Living submission, to be known as the Regional Sustainability Alliance Ballarat (RSA Ballarat).
The purpose of RSA Ballarat is to empower, inform, educate, represent and act to achieve a sustainable community through a collaborative alliance.
The alliance will:
- Provide leadership, advocacy and representation on issues relating to the environmental sustainability of the Ballarat region.
- To understand strategic priorities and “gaps” in the delivery of projects in the Ballarat region.
- Identify, work with, and support relevant stakeholders in order that priority projects are developed and delivered that would further the sustainability of the Ballarat region.
- Provide a point of contact for the Ballarat region regarding the strategic delivery of projects.
- Seek and secure funding to deliver projects.
- To educate and inform relevant stakeholders.
Given the dynamic nature of sustainability, it is acknowledged that the alliance will need to be flexible and respond to a changing environment over time as required. In addition, strategic partners of the alliance may experience a change in organisational focus or policy which may need to be acknowledged.
Key Directions
The priorities of the alliance are:
- Influencing behaviour change to achieve sustainability:
- Community education
- Information sharing
- Understanding
- Advocacy
- Capacity Building:
- Resources
- Skills development
- Networking
- Project Delivery
- Identification of suitable delivery agency
- Support of stakeholder projects
- Partnerships
- Actively engage with business and community
- Smart Living Ballarat
- Sustainability and Urban Well-Being Project
- Ballarat Bioenergy Expo (2012)
- Ballarat Bioenergy Forum (2010)
- Ballarat Strategic Foresight & Scenario Planning Workshops
The RSA Ballarat Steering Committee meets quarterly at various locations around Ballarat. The RSA Ballarat website is currently being updated.
For more information about RSA Ballarat, please contact:
- Craig Hurley
- Chair, RSA Ballarat
- P: 03 5335 3717
- E:
Could you please put up the new RSA website link when it has been updated.
Thanks Colleen for the reminder, here is their website:
You will need to contact them direct for any updates. Cheers
Such great works and projects come from getting together and sharing the load…