Reid St Brown Hill
This is a letter from Brown Hill resident Louise Jones, it relates to an application at 6 Reid St, to subdivide into 7 lots and build 6 units…
Residents are still entitled to submit objections on this development until the mediation. To date at least 2 objections have been submitted to the Council and we received notice this week that the objections would be considered through the application process and we would be invited to attend an informal mediation meeting if required. This will be a great opportunity for residents to attend and meet with the developer and council reps to discuss the proposal and negotiate everyone’s needs.
The documents supporting the proposal are available from council free of charge and include plans of the current site and plans for the new development. The plans involve removing all of the trees and shrubs in the rear of the block and construction of 6 additional 2 bedroom units (single storey).
I would encourage all nearby residents to get informed about what’s going on to ensure that you fully understand the impacts and concerns, and use this as your opportunity to have a real go at protecting the character of our neighbourhood for the future!
Just last week we had a visit from a large flock of Black Cockies! It really was a sight to see them flying around the roof tops and swooping in and around the trees before gathering the flock and flying off into the sunset. It would be such as shame to lose those moments.
Hi All,
A mediation meeting to discuss this application is scheduled for 17th May 2012 at 5:30pm. Committee Room 1, Ballarat Town Hall.
I will be attending, but if you would like to attend and provide support please confirm your attendance by email to
DITTO what Diane says. Get involved actively if you can.
Sometimes a domino effect happens when one developer ‘gets away with it’.
eg: Developer no1 is allowed to build high density & out of character.
Developer no 2 refers to development no 1 as the reference point/standard to justify their planning application for a high density & out of character development.
Louise, it is important that the residents of the area get involved and send their concerns to the planning department. Planning is a process, a two-way street and if no concerns are voiced by the residents then the applicant will probably get what they apply for. It is difficult for one person to make a difference so residents need to contribute even in a small way. To the residents of Brown Hill, if you care, put it in writing! You can make a difference!