6 Reid St Brown Hill Mediation
A mediation meeting to discuss the
6 Reid St Brown Hill application is scheduled for 17th May 2012 at 5:30pm. Committee Room 1, Ballarat Town Hall. The application is for a permit to subdivide 6 Reid St into 7 lots and construct 6 additional dwellings (units).
Residents have expressed concerns about increased traffic, parking congestion, increased neighbourhood noise and reduction in privacy. Concerns in relation to removal of trees and shrubs that contribute to the semi-rural feel of the neighbourhood and provide homes for local bird species have also been expressed. This application would also set a precedent for future subdivisions and construction throughout beautiful Brown Hill, a big part of Ballarat East. It defeats the reason why people move to the East in the first place.
Its not too late to put in an objection, just due it prior to the Mediation meeting. And as always we say go and have a look at the plans yourself to make an informed decision. Please take the time to attend the meeting and meet with the developer, Councillors and other residents to discuss your own concerns and provide support for the community. Any inquiries please contact
louisebusija@hotmail.com as she is leading teh way on this one…
Objections must be supported by the State and Local planning Scheme.