Nov 9

Rodier St going back to council

You may be aware that this proposed development is set for VCAT on November 22nd, however the developer has submitted revised plans. Basically reducing the amount of boxes from 20 to 19, and moving the single entry into the development to alongside the creek. Here is some info direct from council, with thanks for their diligence:

A courtesy heads-up – the above application will be considered at next week’s Council meeting.  The report/agenda will be available on Council’s website tonight.

I am advising via email due to the public holiday tomorrow – it may be that formal invite letters to all objectors will not be received until Monday even though they are being sent today.

If there is a possibility that you could relay this notification via your website that would be great. The background – yes it is going to VCAT. However, applicant has substituted amended plans at VCAT.  This means the original proposal is no longer relevant.

Council must determine a position on the amended plans, which it then will present at the VCAT hearing. The council report going up next week assesses the amended plans and recommends a position to take to VCAT.

The amended plans were circulated to all objectors and also posted on Council’s website for two weeks.

In short, the amended proposal sees a reduction by one unit, from 20 to 19, and relocates the access drive to the northern boundary abutting the creek reserve.   We have received some further supplementary objections to the amended proposal.

So it will be discussed at council meeting on Wednesday 14th November, can’t find agenda online (if someone else can please comment below with teh link… thanks

Those party to the appeal must ensure if presenting at VCAT that they are across the amended plans – the original plans will not be discussed.

So it will be discussed at council meeting on Wednesday 14th November, can’t find agenda online (if someone else can please comment below with the link… thanks. If you want to speak about the proposal you will need to notify council governance at


One comment

  1. Erin says:

    Finally found it here below. Council officers are proposing to deny the application despite revised plans, which is great. If you wish to speak to support that then contact governance on 03 5320 5535 or email,-minutes-and-reports/council-agenda-minutes-2012.aspx

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