May 17

Ryan Street Brown Hill

We went to investigate this application after being alerted by residents…

Kaye said:

“Hi Ballarat East Network. New Yellow Peril spotted in Ryan St (old melb rd end) also of interest a large allotment has been purchased in same street almost opposite yellow peril, of great worry is the fact that the large allotment which has been sold has some very very old and huge gum trees which should not be cut down,but the ground has been subdivided into lots,so I am worried that there may be some moonscaping, may be worth close surveillance. Regards Kaye”


DEVELOPER: Dickson Hearn Pty Ltd

SITE: 27 Ryan st Brown Hill

PROPOSAL: Subdivide the land into two lots

COMMENT DUE: 21st May 2012

Ryan St Brown Hill

Best suggestion is go to the council request to look at the file… this type of development is going on more and more, creating double the density, can you area handle that amount of people? There is so so much development going on over your way in Brown Hill.

Possibly of more concern is the block across the road which has been sold with the real estate agent urging a large development. Note that real estate agent can generally say whatever they want, it is still up to the purchaser to come up with plans and take those plans to council. Keep a very close eye on this block because its easier to get plans through where there is no vegetation.

Trees cannot simply be cut down, whether by owners or not, permits need to be obtained. Today in Wilson st one resident rang the local compliance officer to check whether a guy who was trimming trees next door has a permit. She said the block could have been leveled in the time it took to even get the compliance officer to talk to her. Stay Vigilant…

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