Jul 19

Send us your trees… Please!

National Tree Day is next Sunday 28th July 2013…

And Schools Tree Day in Friday July 26th 2013.

Trees, for developers, can often be seen as just a hindrance to progress. I hear chainsaws going off in Ballarat East every day, it makes my heart hurt…

So lets turn it around and celebrate our trees..

please send a pic of your favourite tree to use at info@ballarateast.net

and we will publish them all: big trees, small trees, sad skinny trees, big full trees, natives, pines, trees on private land, trees on public land.

Let our trees unite us. Send then in by Friday 26th for a special website spread on Tree Day.

Please don’t forget the People of Pryor Park are having a Working Bee on Pryor Park for maintenance of trees. Sunday 28th July 9.30am to 12.00pm.

And please don’t forget our local tree planter and carbon footprint reducer who have planted trees in and for Ballarat East. Check out what they have planned for Tree Day 15 Trees.
And of course fabulous Planet Ark who are encouraging Australians to Get Outside and Grow for Tree Day.
Here are some pics to get your heart started, images by Erin McCuskey:

Paint the Clouds

East Blossom

Ballarat East Sunset



  1. Jo says:

    The blossom is actually some kind of apricot surprisingly.

  2. Jo says:

    NIce pic of the blossom tree, it used to be mine. Any idea what kind of tree you think it is?

    • Erin says:

      Think its a cherry blossom Jo, beautiful darling things, we have planted a few more in our garden too, love to walk amongst the falling blossom.

  3. David Santamaria says:

    Mea Culpa.
    Some of those chainsaw noises were coming from my property. But the Paulonia tree was becoming too tall and whole branches were falling to the ground without warning. It was time to make the backyard safe!
    A Robinia was also removed from the backyard as this had grown beyond the space we had. It was also too close to the house.
    Our beautiful Claret Ash, Scarlet Oak and Gleditsia in the front garden had a shapely prune so they will come on more healthy and stronger in the coming years.

    So don’t despair when you hear chainsaws. It’s not all bad!
    Trees do need to be kept in check to keep them healthy too.

    • BE Network says:

      Thanks David, no one turned up on your doorstep because we know you are a great supporter of trees and green and space in this area.

      We are totally aware that trees need trimming and felling sometimes. Yours are not the chainsaws we hear everyday.

      The devastation going on in Ballarat East is appalling and we thank you for being ca caring neighbour and a faithful resident of this area that supports sustainable design and more protection for trees.

  4. Diane says:

    Great idea to celebrate National Tree Day. I have a few that come to mind immediately!

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