Mar 22

Slow down, theres roos out here.

We have some fabulous wildlife here in Ballarat East. We have Canadian State Forest very close, we have lots of natives trees protected by overlays, we have residents who leave food and water out for animals, we have koala friendly fencing (mostly) and large blocks of land. It all points to a great result for all locals, human and animal. Out for my morning constitutional I often see kangaroos. One morning last week I was hiding behind a tree so that I could be close to the roos grazing, the hope was that I would see them cross Fussell Street, close to my position. After waiting a while I figured they could probably see me so I walked on, glancing occasionally over my shoulder every now and again to see if I could catch them.

I heard a bang and looked back. The kangaroos had crossed the road but one had been hit by a car. That car must have been traveling, as they do down this semi-rural street. No one was harmed, neither human nor roo, the car I’m not so sure. Please slow down out there folks, its not the city, and no place for speeding. And here are some good reasons to slow down.

Kangas in fussell 1


Kangas in fussell 2



One comment

  1. […] seen grazing along the creek line. Check out our images of the kangaroos on this property here: Natural waterways act as valuable wildlife corridors and can add equally valuable character to […]

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