Dec 6

Telstra Pole Decision

Telstra Pole Decision

Hello everyone,

the decision about the Telstra Pole tower thingie has been called into this week Council Meeting.

Wednesday 10th December 2014 7pm – agenda here:

Here is the information about the proposal for the meeting:

Local residents of Eureka Street have been doing a mighty job talking with council officers, Councillors and their neighbours about the issue. Whether you agree with the development or not, these residents have been very clear in their message:

  • that the community has not be consulted enough,
  • other potential sites been identified nor assessed,
  • we need a more innovative design for a heritage area. (check the images of what it will look like below)

It’s not too late to make a submission, and if you are keen come and support the residents at the meeting this week. Heck even put your name down to talk at the meeting, here’s how:

  • Contact Governance at the Ballarat City Council on 03 5320 5535
  • you MUST do this before 4.30pm on the day of the meeting (Wed Dec 10th)

Surely we can get a better result from what is predicted?

TTower Eureka St

From Eureka Street (opp MADE)

TTower Eureka St looking East

From Eureka Street looking East.

TTower from Creek walking path

From the walking path along the creek south of Eureka Street



  1. […] You’ll remember that the decision about the Telecommunications Pole for Eureka Street was slated for the last Council Meeting. Read all about it here: […]

  2. Angie says:

    I’ll be there. Surely we can find a better way to have technology and not want to move out of town.

  3. David says:

    I noticed item 12.6 on the agenda too. P<LP/2014/829. A 4 story high unit development (95 Units) in St. Pauls way. This has the potential to block the view from the fire brigade tower across the city, a view that has been used for 150 years and is always popular in the brigade tower tours.

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