Mar 3

Telstra responds

Here is what one resident received in response to her objection. It’s clear that they are going to put it somewhere, so lets come up with some ideas about where they might put it. Please comment below.

Telstra Response 24.02.14 web Click here to opne PDF

Telstra Response 24.02.14 image_Page_1

Telstra Response 24.02.14 image_Page_2




One comment

  1. Gillian Freestone says:

    I strongly object to this tower being constructed in such a highly populated precinct of Ballarat. There are a number of ‘heritage’ listed properties (including mine) and should this tower go ahead it is going to put an ‘ugly’ feel to the surrounds and hence, devalue the properties in the area. Telstra have listed a lot of standards with regard to the health issue, however I remain very concerned about the health aspect of this tower. Further down Eureka Street there are less populated areas, perhaps this could be a alternative.
    Regards, Gillian

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