Apr 11

The East on parade

Such a beautiful East…


Support MADE, they have films on this weekend… Ballarat East is the home of the Eureka Rebellion….


Ballarat East Community Shed… Go and support the great things they do… this weekend!


Ducks love a bit of water… and some home made golf apparently…


Kangas in the top paddock Fussell Street…


The always not totally working lights cnr Eureka and Fussell Streets…


A magpie in Buninyong… is that still East?


Dead trees are an important source of accommodation for wild life…


Sunsets in the East are to be seen every night…


But a moon rise is always special… (the only light pollution we want is the moon, otherwise we will lose it!)

Loving the East #BallaratEast

All images by Erin McCuskey


  1. Louise says:

    Had my first walk over to MADE on Saturday. How cool was it! We spent almost 4 hours by the time we had a bite to eat and played on the playground too.

  2. Diane says:

    Great photos, the East is certainly a unique pocket of Ballarat!

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