The Gardens – a Talk & Tour
Hi BE Net,
It has been a long time since I have contacted you regarding the gardens. We haven’t gone away. Covid stopped us a little re meetings etc.
However, I am pleased to say that we are going to have a photo display of the gardens , Gardens tour plus a couple of talks re the gardens in the BGT theatrette (25-39 Barkly Street, Ballarat) on May 25 at 4pm tour and 5 pm talks.
May 25 is the 100th anniversary of the amalgamation.
BGT have been great with their support. We hope to have Mayor Daniel Moloney and Michaela Settle talk with us. The important thing is not so much the event but what will happen post event. Hopefully, a “friends’ of” or something like it can be formed to keep the pressure on the relevant people.
The information we have gained re the history of the gardens is now extensive and we hope more people will become interested in them.
Hope you can come along.
Regards Paul Greig
Thanks for the invitation Paul, and thanks for your work on the gardens. Read more about the gardens here.
Paul will be getting back to us with more details. In the meantime if you want to support the push leave a comment on this post and we will forward to Paul.