Bigger blocks go first
It clearly what we have been trying to tell developers about the East, people appreciate a bit of space out this way – in most developments out here the bigger blocks go first, people voting with their wallets…
It clearly what we have been trying to tell developers about the East, people appreciate a bit of space out this way – in most developments out here the bigger blocks go first, people voting with their wallets…
DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/639 DEVELOPER: TMG Group Pty Ltd SITE: 307 York Street Ballarat East PROPOSAL: 28 dwellings (down to 25) The York Street development is back with council officers after a few changes: reduction in number from 28 to 25 widening of entering roadway to 6 meters increase of internal roadway for traffic and trucks […]
Deb Findlay has the old orphanage at heart. A few weeks ago she attended an auction to ‘buy back’ some furniture that had surfaced from the site. This just in from Deb: I have organised a meeting . The meeting will be on 13th of November at 15 Main rd. Bakery Hall Ballarat at 10.00 […]
The Friends of Canadian Corridor (FoCC) recently met to continue to fight to save Canadian State Forest and the blocks near Mount Helen that are currently in issue. The friends have also been working on the Woodman’s Hill Strategy Plan and ensuring the bio-link remains intact. More on the FoCC here. Minutes of a recent […]
Wednesday Night Council Meeting Oct 23rd – Vote to approve recommendations of council officer to allow partial demolition of the site. Here is some history about the how we got to this point – Big question here is what’s the rush, there is no plan of what is intended to replace these buildings. On […]
If the developer who owns the old Orphanage site gets his way and almost completely demolishes the site, what is left to say ‘we did this and it should never happen again’. How is the developer protecting what is currently left of the site? Not at all would be the answer, trees have been left […]
Hello Easties, it’s worth noting that this weeks council meeting has a lot of info of interest to Ballarat East. Get along if you can, otherwise at least have a read of all the info: 23 October 2013 Public Agenda (PDF – 2.5MB) 12.1 PLP/2013/119 Demolition of Majority of the Buildings, Structures and Trees at 200, 200A, 200B […]
There are two mediations on next week that we are aware of. Remember that you have a right to make a submission about any development up until the time a decision is made by Council officers about the development. Mediations are organised by the City as a way to get parties together to talk about […]
We have been contacted by residents affected by these explosions. Made front page of the Courier today. Make comment here if you wish to make contact with each other. Best of luck to those experiencing what must be an avoidable fright. Check out the Courier story here. Here is what we are currently more […]
Recently Erin was asked to speak at a Leadership event at MADE, the topic was ‘If Peter Lalor was alive today, what would he be fighting for?’ Erin’s answer was he would fight for what he fought for then – the Right to Stand Up and Speak Out. The event was done Pecha Kucha style […]