Archive for the ‘BE Network’ Category

Apr 22

Our Important Vista

Taken directly from the Ballarat Planning Scheme. Planning Officer Andrew Bishop defined it as follows: Objectives MUST be met. Strategies SHOULD be met. 21.06-6 Landscape Ballarat has a range of important vistas including sweeping views of gently undulating grazing land, treed roadsides, mountains, lakes and wetlands. It also has important natural features and areas of […]

Apr 18

Those Pesky Trees

Here is a correspondence from Hamish Lammp at the Planning Department of the City of Ballarat. It is in response to a number of complaints made to council about the chopping down of protected trees in Ballarat East, specifically Stockade St. “For background, Worksafe officers raised concerns with the developer regarding the potential danger the […]

Apr 12

Council Says Yes, Council Says No…

Last night Diane Chester attended the council meeting, and during general business Des Hudson brought Council’s attention to emails he had received during the week regarding the destruction of the trees on Stockade Street. Eric Brasilis, Director of Growth and Development, confirmed that the trees were protected under the conditions of the planning permit and […]

Apr 5

What’s it to you?

Today Ballarat East witnessed the most extreme environmental vandalism. And here it is for you in all its glory. These trees, once visible across, Canadian Valley, were protected from the developer according to their permit approval… and yet here they go… And down they went… how do we replace protect 100 year old Eucalypts? Fine […]

Mar 31

Rally with Heart

Today well over 150 people marched from the Old Alexander’s Babies Home to the Old Orphanage in Victoria St… The Rally was to show support for Forgotten Australians and that any development on the site should take into account the cultural, historical and social significance of the existence of the Orphanage over 120 years (the […]

Mar 28

Who’s in?

We need a group of residents to continue to push through on action required by council. These actions will come from the Actions suggested by our Community Meeting, and can be found here. Resident Diane Chester has sent these in from the minutes of the Council’s meeting in January: COUNCIL RESOLUTION Council resolves to: 1. […]

Mar 28

Protecting Trees

This just in from Cherie at BEN: In response to some of the action steps outlined at the community meeting Three ways to protect trees: 1. National Trust – Register of Significant Trees (National Register) 2. Heritage Victoria (State Register) 3. Trees of State and National significance can be incorporated into Ballarat Planning Scheme, as […]

Mar 27

Developers Promised…

Wonder what that promise is worth? There has been a mediation set for the proposed subdivision of 213 Fussell Street. This block was previously PROMISED protected by subdivision, and the Council agreed. There has been a mediation announced for 213 Fussell St, hope a few of you have made an objection and can get there […]

Mar 26

Larter St

Wow is there no stopping progress at any cost? Because it will cost us a lot in the long run, much more than the cost in the short run for developers building these hopelessly inadequate responses to our Neighbourhood Character. This is what local resident Lucy Brisbane wants to bring to our attention: DEVELOPMENT NUMBER:PLP/2011/983 […]

Mar 26

Did they get away with it?

An open letter from Brown Hill resident Colleen Filippa: This is Hill View Road a year ago… Now, I don’t mind progress and I consider myself to be progressive – but this year has made me realise that unless we all keep our eyes open and get a little more proactive or money making developers […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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