More Beautiful Trees
More beautiful trees of the East. This time from local residents Judy and Len who have lived here many years, they love their trees. Just remember to get trees we need to plant them…
More beautiful trees of the East. This time from local residents Judy and Len who have lived here many years, they love their trees. Just remember to get trees we need to plant them…
So we collected so many tree pictures for National Tree Day this year, we will release them a few at a time. Here is one from Dale and Blake and a tree they love in York Street. An in updates of other news: we are waiting the VCAT decision on 809 Wilson Street crunch time […]
Friends of Sparrow Ground will have 100 trees to plant this Sunday July 28th. You can register your interest on the following link or just turn up at 10 am on Richards St near the corner of Spencer Street. Many hands make light work. Great family activity. Usually takes less than 2 hours and that […]
What a sorry tale here from Gary about what you think might happen, or what you assume will happen, or what you believe might happen is not what happens… Likely BE Neters are reminded of a similar more public protected tree? In the comments please tell us what you would like to know from the […]
National Tree Day is next Sunday 28th July 2013… And Schools Tree Day in Friday July 26th 2013. Trees, for developers, can often be seen as just a hindrance to progress. I hear chainsaws going off in Ballarat East every day, it makes my heart hurt… So lets turn it around and celebrate our trees.. […]
Thanks to eagle-eyed residents for sending in these pics… Kangas seems to be wondering where their homes are going… So close to the city, but still so rural. It’s what we love about the East. How lucky we are to have our wildlife visit, lets protect their habitat, plan our development so we can protect […]
The sadness of this image sent in by a local is devastating. Taken at Nerrina today. Looks like its been there a while. Hopefully the residents have taken note of who did it and reported it to the over-worked City Compliance Officer.
This is a letter in from Margaret T, a new resident to Ballarat East. Dear BE Net, I am writing to you in the hope that you may be interested in intervening to save a tree. This cypress is approx. 90 years old, gives much shade from the western sun, a landmark a historical marker […]
We need to share what we have in order to protect it. We need to let people know whats special about Ballarat East and why it is worth protecting. Please send us your images of special things at your place, the wildlife, the trees, the ambiance, and we will post it here. You can find […]
“This summer season has seen the Fussell Street Reserve, opposite the WildLife Park in Ballarat East, kept well mown and tidy by the Ballarat City Council. This has been very pleasing indeed. BE Net looks forward to further beautification here with a seat and tree plantings promised for later in the year. We are already seeing […]