Archive for the ‘213 Fussell Street’ Category

Sep 21

Mediation for 213 Fussell St

A mediation has been set for the application at 213 Fussell St. While this is the third time for this block being discussed at council we still are hopeful of a resolution. Mediation for: DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/703 DEVELOPER: T G Clark SITE: 213 Fussell Street Ballarat East APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and 2 lot […]

Sep 8

213 Fussell Street – can you believe it?

It’s on again, yes the same site we have previously objected to twice already… Yes we have been here before, it was part of the overwhelming over development that initiated the beginnings of this group and this website… DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/703 DEVELOPER: T G Clark SITE: 213 Fussell Street Ballarat East APPLICATION: Development of 2 […]

Apr 5

What’s it to you?

Today Ballarat East witnessed the most extreme environmental vandalism. And here it is for you in all its glory. These trees, once visible across, Canadian Valley, were protected from the developer according to their permit approval… and yet here they go… And down they went… how do we replace protect 100 year old Eucalypts? Fine […]

Mar 27

Developers Promised…

Wonder what that promise is worth? There has been a mediation set for the proposed subdivision of 213 Fussell Street. This block was previously PROMISED protected by subdivision, and the Council agreed. There has been a mediation announced for 213 Fussell St, hope a few of you have made an objection and can get there […]

Mar 13

Need action at 213

Do you remember this one? Yes we have been here before – but no matter we will be again. This development slipped through when we only had three objections – well now the developer wants more, and more. DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/48 DEVELOPER: T G Clark SITE: 213 Fussell Street APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and […]

Mar 3

At it again at 213

Just when we thought the developer had done all they could – A new planning application has been advertised for 213 Fussell Street PLP/2012/48. When 213 Fussell went to VCAT in 2010, the developers were quick off the mark and got through with 52 blocks because the subdivision was less than 60 blocks. More than […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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