Archive for the ‘23 Rodier Street’ Category

Mar 29

A big NO again…

You will remember the saga of 23 Rodier Street. If not click here for all the background. Here is an update from Rodier team leader Ron. UPDATE FROM RODIER STREET: The Council voted unanimously at Wednesday night’s Meeting (26/03/14) to reject the 14 Unit Proposal at 23 Rodier St.  – yet again! They adopted the […]

Aug 16

Does new 23 Rodier ST pass the test?

Here is a letter from Ron Marshall who lead the charge on the first proposal on Rodier Street. Check out the background here. DOES THE NEW DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR 23 RODIER ST PASS THE TEST? (a discussion piece from Ron Marshall) I contend the 14 dwelling Development proposal at 23 Rodier St contained in […]

Aug 11

From 20 to 19 to 14?

The good folks in Rodier Street, and all people who previously objected to this development, have been informed of a revised application for 23 Rodier Street. You will remember this proposed development as it was rejected by Council, and rejected by VCAT. Read the background here: The major change is a reduction of units […]

Dec 27

Rodier Wrap Up

Here is a letter from Ron Marshall who lead the fight to save Rodier Street. Dear BE Net, I have received my official notification that Madam Chair Wilson from VCAT has upheld Council’s decision to reject the Revised Development Plan for construction of 19 Units at 23 Rodier St? Thanks very much for alerting me […]

Dec 20

Merry Christmas & Happy Summer

Thanks so much to everyone in the East and beyond who have supported sustainable development in our area this year. This info website has been up and happening for a year now (first post) and its success is due in no small part to the contributors to this blog with news, info, warnings about yellow […]

Nov 29

Rodier St Report

Last week the good folk from Rodier St attending a two day hearing in Melbourne. A huge effort from residents who really just want a quiet life and to live in the place they call home. A huge effort to learn the planning scheme, planning laws, how VCAT works, what can you say, what can’t […]

Nov 22

from Ron on Rodier

With this development currently at VCAT (22nd & 23rd Nov), it is timely that Ron has released his speech to council. Good luck to all residents with interest in Rodier St specifically and Ballarat Est generally. RON MARSHALL’S TALK TO COUNCIL MEETING OF 14/11/12 Re 23 RODIER ST DEVELOPMENT Thankyou for the chance to speak […]

Nov 17

We want planning

What follows is a presentation made to the City Council Meeting on Wednesday 14th November, by Erin McCuskey (BE Net spokesperson) in response to the council making a determination on revised plans for Rodier St… “Congratulations on your re-elections and elections, we wish you the best and also want to let you know that the […]

Nov 9

Rodier St going back to council

You may be aware that this proposed development is set for VCAT on November 22nd, however the developer has submitted revised plans. Basically reducing the amount of boxes from 20 to 19, and moving the single entry into the development to alongside the creek. Here is some info direct from council, with thanks for their […]

Sep 24

Off to VCAT for Rodier St

The Hearings Notice for 23 Rodier Street has been released: Date: 22nd November 2012 Time: 10am Length of Hearing: 2 Days Place of Hearing: 55 King Street Melbourne If you have received notice that means you are named as one of the parties and you must either appear at the hearing and make your concerns […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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