Archive for the ‘5 Highvista Grove’ Category

Mar 19

New Works at 5 Highvista Grove

This is an open letter from Michael Simpson, resident of Ballarat East: To all, Just when we thought we had won the battle over the proposed building of a residence to house 17 students in Highvista Grove and the dust was all but settled, oh how wrong we were. With the assistance of so many […]

Jan 28

January 2012 Update – Geez

Wow what a month, when people are usually relaxing and enjoying summer holidays, this is the time developers seem to get busy! We had a mediation meeting on 315 Fussell Street and you can find a report on that here – make sure you read the comments beloew the post for a full report. We’ve […]

Jan 28

Great decisions for 5 Highvista Grove

On Wednesday Jan 25th the council made a decision to deny a permit on this development, and the community should be very happy with this result. The reasons to object were pretty clear and they were elucidated by Garry Wood, Michael Simpson and Erin McCuskey. So what happens next? The developer has the opportunity to […]

Jan 22

Council Mtg on 5 Highvista Grove

Remember 5 Highvista Grove? The 17 room boarding house, with no support services, in the middle of residential green belt? Well the assessment is in, and we aren’t happy Jan. The decision isn’t done and dusted yet – it’s been called in by our South Ward Councillors, and is due to be discussed at the […]

Dec 20

5 Highvista Grove

This application slipped quietly under our noses until detected by wiley residents. DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2011/679 DEVELOPER: Bilateral Logistics SITE: 5 Highvista Grove APPLICATION: 2 Storey 17 room student Accommodation Lodge The usual method of informing locals about a development is for the council officers to send a ‘Notice of an Application for Planning Permit” to […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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