Archive for the ‘628 Wilson Street’ Category

Sep 30


Recently the council approved the proposed development at 628 Wilson Street. HOWEVER with 23 conditions plus notes. Is it just me or if a proposed development needs THAT many conditions to comply with MINIMUM standards we are looking at a bad development? The community will be keeping a close eye on this one with the […]

Mar 7

Wilson revised

You might remember a recent application for 628 Wilson St? If not here is the background: Thanks to some observant neighbours and their contribution to a mediation session, the developers have gone away and come back with a revised application. It has gone from a six lot subdivision to a four lot subdivision, still […]

Oct 19

Mediations doubled

There are two mediations on next week that we are aware of. Remember that you have a right to make a submission about any development up until the time a decision is made by Council officers about the development. Mediations are organised by the City as a way to get parties together to talk about […]

Oct 5

New Yellow in Wilson St

As we always say check it out for yourself. What happens in your neighbourhood needs to be shared, tell your neighbours. LOCATION: 628 Wilson Street APPLICATION: Subdivide into 6 lots APPLICANT: Geometri Pty Ltd NUMBER: PLP/2013/502 DATE TO MAKE SUBMISSION BY: 16 days from 24th September (we make that 10th October) You can view the […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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