Archive for the ‘Developments’ Category

Nov 3

Orphange site meeting

Deb Findlay has the old orphanage at heart. A few weeks ago she attended an auction to ‘buy back’ some furniture that had surfaced from the site. This just in from Deb: I have organised a meeting . The meeting will be on 13th of November  at 15 Main rd. Bakery Hall Ballarat  at 10.00 […]

Oct 25

Old Orphanage Demolition Order

Wednesday Night Council Meeting Oct 23rd – Vote to approve recommendations of council officer to allow partial demolition of the site. Here is some history about the how we got to this point – Big question here is what’s the rush, there is no plan of what is intended to replace these buildings. On […]

Oct 20

Heritage with heart

If the developer who owns the old Orphanage site gets his way and almost completely demolishes the site, what is left to say ‘we did this and it should never happen again’. How is the developer protecting what is currently left of the site? Not at all would be the answer, trees have been left […]

Oct 19

Mediations doubled

There are two mediations on next week that we are aware of. Remember that you have a right to make a submission about any development up until the time a decision is made by Council officers about the development. Mediations are organised by the City as a way to get parties together to talk about […]

Oct 5

New Yellow in Wilson St

As we always say check it out for yourself. What happens in your neighbourhood needs to be shared, tell your neighbours. LOCATION: 628 Wilson Street APPLICATION: Subdivide into 6 lots APPLICANT: Geometri Pty Ltd NUMBER: PLP/2013/502 DATE TO MAKE SUBMISSION BY: 16 days from 24th September (we make that 10th October) You can view the […]

Sep 10

Fussell get more attention

So another subdivision on Fussell Street. While this street is a key road near Eureka, it dwindles to nothing at the other end near the Scout Camp and is the main link into Canadian State Forest at this north end of the forest. We applaud subdivisions that work with the neighbourhood character with large blocks, […]

Aug 31

Wilson Street

Have you heard the news? VCAT upheld council decision to deny a permit for 809 Wilson Street. It is worth the effort to make positive changes to developments here in the East. And to quote a resident on our facebook page – “we want quality, well planned subdivisions that are site specific and consider the […]

Aug 20

Thank You

A letter from Judy Johnson about the recent VCAT hearing for 809 Wilson Street Good morning Friends and Neighbours, Thank you to all who came to MELBOURNE, and  to those who spent so much time and effort in to putting submissions together. Thank you also to those who did printing and an enormous amount of ‘behind […]

Aug 17

Heritage Overlays & the Ballarat East Fire Station

 The original Station Keepers Cottage. (to be demolished under the proposed development). There has been quite a conversation going on about the Ballarat East Fire Station. One of which was a request to correct the name we used from the Ballarat East Fire Station to Ballarat Fire Station. We agree it is is named on […]

Aug 16

Does new 23 Rodier ST pass the test?

Here is a letter from Ron Marshall who lead the charge on the first proposal on Rodier Street. Check out the background here. DOES THE NEW DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR 23 RODIER ST PASS THE TEST? (a discussion piece from Ron Marshall) I contend the 14 dwelling Development proposal at 23 Rodier St contained in […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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