Archive for the ‘Victoria St (Old Orphanage Site)’ Category

Oct 18

Another win at VCAT

This from our correspondent within the Orphanage site team… The Historic and social significant site is heritage with Heart! Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) today (17 October 2014) Direction Hearing A small group of former residents made their way to Melbourne to attend the VCAT  meeting, also the council defense and developers lawyers were […]

Oct 9

VCAT Directions Hearing for old Orphanage site

This just in from the folks fighting demolition of the old Orphanage site in Victoria St. You can read all the background here: “Good morning BE Net I have attached the VCAT notice for 200, 200A, 200B Victoria Street Ballarat East .   The Ballarat Council, Former Residents and other parties are heading back […]

Jul 24

The night belonged to former residents

At last nights council meeting the council voted to retain the old school building. Here is what former resident Deb Findlay had to say about it: At the Council meeting there were about 25-30 people who attended, twelve were submitters. Former Residents attended the meeting were unsure how it was all going to unfold, would […]

Apr 22

Orphanage Decision Adjourned

This just in from Deb who has been leading the charge to save parts of the old orphanage from unnecessary demolition. Hi BE Net, VCAT HAS ADJOURNED THE HEARING TO A LATER DATE! The Council and Former residents went to VCAT today 22 /4/2014, it was scheduled for three days, however the panel heard some […]

Jan 10

Were you notified??

The folk who are mounting the charge against the developers looking to demolish most of the Old Orphanage site are interested in hearing from you. If you made an objection regarding the site did you received notification from the developers firm, St Quentin’s, informing you about the challenge at VCAT? If you did then you […]

Jan 3

Developers take the City to VCAT over Orphanage

Clearly the developers here cannot wait to knock over everything from the Old Orphanage site on Victoria Street. Here is a letter telling objectors about the trip to VCAT, click here for the detailed application VCAT – Old Orphanage Site. Thanks to eagle eyed residents for the alert.

Dec 2

Re-Exhibition of rezoning application

Just an update,  from the council regarding the rezoning of the Old Orphanage site. There has been an extension on the submissions to Monday 13 January 2014. There will also be another exhbition and consultation session  at the Eureka Hall will be on Thursday 12 December  2013, however there are no times listed for the […]

Nov 17

By Dec 16

Currently there are two issues facing council regarding the Old Orphanage site. The first is demolition of the entire site, the other is rezoning. The Council agreed to partial demolition, though the developer may still take the council to VCAT over this. The second issue is the rezoning of the land. More details here: […]

Nov 9

How long does it take?

We asked them when the site was sold to take care of it… We asked them when the site was closed to take care of it… We asked them a consultation was held to take care of it… And each time we told them it will be vandalised please take care of it… At the […]

Nov 3

Orphange site meeting

Deb Findlay has the old orphanage at heart. A few weeks ago she attended an auction to ‘buy back’ some furniture that had surfaced from the site. This just in from Deb: I have organised a meeting . The meeting will be on 13th of November  at 15 Main rd. Bakery Hall Ballarat  at 10.00 […]

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