Archive for the ‘New 2013’ Category

Mar 29

Easties on Tour

We’ve been asked by the City of Ballarat to provide some places of note in the East for a tour. The intention is that Ballarat East will be mentioned in the programme for the Ballarat Heritage Weekend. And why not, the whole thing started here yes? So we collected and collated your suggestions and the […]

Feb 14

York Street approved

Hey there, Erin here. It was a great Council meeting Wednesday night gone (Feb 12) that proved the Ballarat Council is forward thinking in terms of social issues. The Multicultural ambassadors were sworn in, a proposal to support the Say No to Homophobia campaign was supported unanimously. However we are also leading with over-development, when […]

Jan 25

Old Ballarat East

Here is what Eureka Stockade Pool/Dam once looked like. The image is from the Rose Series of Postcards and can be located in the Gold Museum Fitzgerald Collection. Click on it to be taken to the original source. Now we have concrete boxes and no trees. Not bagging it, given its one of the few […]

Dec 13

The Fairies thank you

Thanks to all the fabulous peoples who came for Chrissy drinks & nibbles with the Fairies last night… A really big thanks to David and Maureen for hosting such wonderful fabulous Easties… From lollies to fruit, we shared it all… Damien made the sausage rolls, and shameful Bernie burnt them – still delicious says Lindsey… […]

Dec 1

Drinks & nibbles in the garden with the fairies

Hello everyone, we’ve been chatting with neighbours about celebrating a great year for BE Net and for the whole of Ballarat East (mostly). Friday December 13 from 5.00pm to 6.30-ish on the nature strip in Fussell Street (you’ll find us!). Please bring: a plate to share, a blanket to sit on, a musical instrument to […]

Nov 22

Ballarat East Town Hall Gardens

We know that once this belonged to Ballarat East. It was in Barkly Street, on the north end, on the East side, and faced Main Road. And how it contributed to the growth and democracy of our beautiful Ballarat East. And how it was the very centre of the Ballarat East civic centre that included […]

Nov 16

Thank you Amy, age 9

Amy, just 9 years old, spotted this family of four Tawny Frogmouth’s in Richards St on Saturday November 16th. They were so well camouflaged and very high up!  

Nov 16

Koala’s in Scentbark Land

There have been a few reports of a koala in Scentbark Lane over the last couple of weeks. This photo was snapped Thursday November 14th. Koala sightings and photos can be logged on the Australian Koala Foundation website. It would be great to get some more sightings documented. Or if you wish, just send […]

Nov 9

How long does it take?

We asked them when the site was sold to take care of it… We asked them when the site was closed to take care of it… We asked them a consultation was held to take care of it… And each time we told them it will be vandalised please take care of it… At the […]

Oct 19

Explosive East

We have been contacted by residents affected by these explosions. Made front page of the Courier today. Make comment here if you wish to make contact with each other. Best of luck to those experiencing what must be an avoidable fright. Check out the Courier story here. Here is what we are currently more […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

Subscribing to our blog (see below).

Contributing your issues by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Sharing what happens in your part of BE, like those yellow sign.

Join the growing list of interested residents and supporters who want to protect the personality of Ballarat East, by reading the posts, commenting and taking your own action.

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For news and information about supporting good design and protecting neighbourhood character for our area.
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Contribute to BE Net

BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Please include your name and email address so that we can talk to you before we post your information.
