Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Mar 24

Community Meeting for Ballarat East

Well the results are in, and slowly going online here at So much information and so little time, however we had a great result with people signing up for enews, we now sit at 116 subscribers and 69 facebook likes (we are hoping you share this soon and save us some ignominy). And that’s […]

Mar 15

Council Meeting Report

This months Council Meeting discussed two significant developments, and a third which had many questions asked but wasn’t discussed directly. The first being the Communications Tower at Buninyong (voted down unanimously), the second had to do with development occurring in Mount Clear and Mount Helen. And then we had an old stomping ground at 315 […]

Mar 13

Victoria Street Orphanage site

Here is some information about the soon to be ‘development site’ in Victoria Street that was once an Orphanage and school. Forgotten Australians are urging residents to rally to save the last significant buildings on the site. Trees have already gone down here yet no word on permit applications… be vigilant folks… Ballarat Orphanage / […]

Mar 13

Council Meeting this Wednesday – about 315 Fussell St

Well this is the development that kick started a movement, and we aren’t finished yet. Simplistic Flashback: Developer seeks permit to erect 16 units (all the same) at 315 Fussell St Residents outraged and put up big number of objections & canvass council and neighbours Council officers approve 14 units Councillors vote proposal down Developer […]

Mar 13

Need action at 213

Do you remember this one? Yes we have been here before – but no matter we will be again. This development slipped through when we only had three objections – well now the developer wants more, and more. DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/48 DEVELOPER: T G Clark SITE: 213 Fussell Street APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and […]

Mar 3

The Big Picture – Defining Neighbourhood Character

We’ve been working very hard to ensure this information sharing site is about the big picture for Ballarat East as much as it is about the small battles we fight everyday in our own backyards. We are keen to support a long term sustainable future for Ballarat East, and that means supporting our council to […]

Mar 3

At it again at 213

Just when we thought the developer had done all they could – A new planning application has been advertised for 213 Fussell Street PLP/2012/48. When 213 Fussell went to VCAT in 2010, the developers were quick off the mark and got through with 52 blocks because the subdivision was less than 60 blocks. More than […]

Feb 12

Off to VCAT we go – saving Rodier St

Go Hard because there’s no going home if this development goes ahead… You all remember the crazy development proposed for 23 Rodier St (PLP/2011/557), the council refused the permit, as indeed it should have, after residents were outraged… Now we are off to VCAT to support our residents, and our council to tell this developer […]

Feb 10

Pryor Park – got together

Sunday 29th Jan ( Pryor Park get together) find out more about Friends of Pryor Park here Report from Maggie Dannatt: 20 people gathered on the Park to listen to a short history of the friends of group: People for Pryor Park. We also heard Jonathan Robinson talk about his Management plan for the Park, […]

Feb 3

Need the East to rise up…

We have now a date for our Community Meeting – Sunday March 18th 2pm to 4pm Now we need your help to get the word out, here’s how: sign up at right of screen or below..or write to and ask to be part of the organizing group (more fun than work – promise) ask […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

Subscribing to our blog (see below).

Contributing your issues by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Sharing what happens in your part of BE, like those yellow sign.

Join the growing list of interested residents and supporters who want to protect the personality of Ballarat East, by reading the posts, commenting and taking your own action.

Sign up for BE Net enews

For news and information about supporting good design and protecting neighbourhood character for our area.
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Contribute to BE Net

BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Please include your name and email address so that we can talk to you before we post your information.
