Archive for the ‘Pryor Park’ Category

Mar 16

Time Capsule Additions

Time Capsule Additions

We have just added the following icons of Ballarat East to the Time Capsule of Ballarat. What else is needed to be added? Check it out here: and add your own places and photos and memories. Ballarat East Town Hall (historic) Ballarat East Town Hall Gardens – under threat The Tammy Fence Arthur Kenny Avenue of […]

Sep 11

People For Pryor Park news #42

Dates for Your Diary Sunday 21th September Working Bee Pryor Park, 10.00am to 12.00pm Meet at the Notice board, bring gloves and thoughts on paths through the park. We will have a look at the path from the noticeboard to the golf course that works well and how we can make best use of the […]

Jul 25

National Tree Day planting…

Friends of Sparrow Ground will have 100 trees to plant this Sunday July 28th. You can register your interest on the following link or just turn up at 10 am on Richards St near the corner of Spencer Street.  Many hands make light work. Great family activity. Usually takes less than 2 hours and that […]

Jul 10

National Tree Day

National Tree Day Sunday 28th July Working Bee on Pryor Park for maintenance of trees. Sunday 28th July 9.30am to 12.00pm. Meet at the Notice Board bring gloves. We will be working around the Notice Board and Wildflower areas. Hope to see you there. Maggie Dannatt People for Pryor Park

Oct 22

Pryor Park News October 2012

Pryor Park News October 2012 Working Bees: Sunday October 28th 10am-12pm meet at Notice Board, bring gloves. We will be cutting and painting the gorse and broom near the notice board and wildflower area, and looking at the beautiful wildflowers out at the moment. John is hoping to clear the blackwood that fell over in […]

Apr 16

Pryor Park News #2

Pryor Park News April 2012 #2 Working bees – Dates for your diary: Saturday 21st April 10am-12pm meet on corner of Turpie St and Eureka St Ballarat Bring gloves, good footwear etc. Starting to clear fallen and dead wattles and trees. Also marking those that need clearing by someone else. Hoping we will get help […]

Mar 3

Clean Up Oz (a little bit at a time)

Local residents are invited to help clean up the Pryor Park, Eureka Street and Surrounding area. 10.30 – 12.30 Sunday March 4th 2011 Meet at Pryor Park. Please bring sturdy footwear, gloves, a bucket, hat, sunscreen etc and lots of family members and friends. Some bags and gloves will be available.

Mar 3

Pryor Park News #1

Hi everyone, here is a brief update of what has been going on regarding Pryor Park.This is No 1 Pryor Park Newsletter by email and on the BE Network. Date for your diary,Sunday March 4th Clean up Australia day has been organised by Diane Chester at the park, meet at the notice board from 10.30 […]

Feb 10

Pryor Park – got together

Sunday 29th Jan ( Pryor Park get together) find out more about Friends of Pryor Park here Report from Maggie Dannatt: 20 people gathered on the Park to listen to a short history of the friends of group: People for Pryor Park. We also heard Jonathan Robinson talk about his Management plan for the Park, […]

Jan 28

January 2012 Update – Geez

Wow what a month, when people are usually relaxing and enjoying summer holidays, this is the time developers seem to get busy! We had a mediation meeting on 315 Fussell Street and you can find a report on that here – make sure you read the comments beloew the post for a full report. We’ve […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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