Archive for the ‘Exceptional Tree Register’ Category

Mar 21

Answers on the Tree Register

Answers on the Tree Register

We put our questions to council officers about the City of Ballarat Exceptional Tree Register. Thanks to David Grant, Vegetation Planning and Management Officer who showed up and gave us these answers… Hello BE Net, The project (Exceptional Tree Register) is one of my main tasks currently along with the urban forest strategy work. We have […]

Mar 14

Exceptional Tree Register

Exceptional Tree Register

Do you wonder what ever happened to the Exceptional Tree Register? Great idea that got started, however its been closed since June 2014. We have a request into council to get some info on the register, when it will be open again, what trees are on it, how the public responded to it initially […]

Jun 21

Add a tree or three

A reminder to add some trees from the East to the Significant Tree Register. All residents are invited to nominate public and private trees in the City of Ballarat to the Register. Nomination forms are available at The Phoenix, Armstrong Street South, Nominations for the initial Register are open from Thursday 1 May to Monday 30 June, […]

Jun 16

Exceptional Trees from Gladys

It is SO GREAT when we get emails with information to share. Gladys was been wandering the east looking for trees to add to the Register of Exceptional Trees. We want a heap in from the East. First submissions due by the end of this month. Click here for more info: And the details: All […]

May 24

Exceptional Tree Register

You have already heard about this great initiative, right here. This is our chance to tie a yellow ribbon around each of our trees… The forms are really very simple. Please take some time to help protect the very thing that makes our area so beautiful. The trees. Just to make it easy for you […]

May 17

The Exceptional Tree Register

A great initiative from the City of Ballarat. The Exceptional Tree Register. I encourage all Easties to have a look around you and if you see an exceptional tree (and i know you will) please ensure you have it added to the register. Here are some I saw on my walk today… Ballarat has […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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