
Ballarat East is full of the most wonderful spaces, history and stories. The history of Ballarat begins in the Township of Ballarat East, lets remember and share that too. Here is a list of some the places you might visit. We will add more information when we get hold of it, so please leave a comment below if you want to add something to the list, or add info to any item. It takes a community to share this beautiful place.

Old Ballarat East Civic Centre – cnr Barkly & Eastwood Street Streets Ballarat East. It included:

  • Ballarat East Free Library (now part of the Ballarat Secondary College)
  • Ballarat East Fire Station
  • Ballarat East Town Hall Gardens, feel free to go for a wander
  • Ballarat East Town Hall site (the building was demolished)
  • Ballarat East Police Station site (the building was demolished)

Old Curiosity Shop – cnr Glazebrook & Queen Streets Ballarat East. Now a private residence, please respect their privacy.

MADE & Eureka Stockade – cnr Eureka & Rodier Streets Ballarat East

Arthur Kenny Avenue of Honour – off Fussell Street

The Tammy Fence – Eureka Street Ballarat East. One of our absolute favourites. A private residence, please respect their privacy.

Montrose Cottage – Eureka Street Ballarat East

Canadian State Forest – off Eureka Street Ballarat East, however it can be accessed from any suburb right through to Buninyong

Ballarat East Train Station site – best viewed from cnr Barkly Street & Scotts Parade Ballarat East

Bunny Trail – starts on Victoria Street, near Stawell St (a walking trail along the old Buninyong train line)

Old Sunshine Biscuit Factory – cnr Victoria & Eastwood Streets. Now warehouse conversion, private residences, please respect their privacy.

Victoria Street – just take a walk along this grand avenue, entrance to Ballarat

Old Alexandria Babies Home – Scotts Parade. Now a private residence, please respect their privacy.

Old Nerinna Gold Diggings – we are getting more information about exactly where this is

Scott’s Parade Rail Bridge – cnr Scott’s Parade & Fussell Streets Ballarat East

Queen Street Rail Bridge – cnr Scott’s Parade & Queen Streets Ballarat East


  1. Louise says:

    The old schools are also very beautiful and interesting to look at. I’m sure they would happily pop some of their photos on display in the windows for the heritage weekend.

    Queen St – now the community health, Caledonian PS (the old Brown Hill State School) beautifully restored in the 90s, and the Humffray St PS, now the antique book shop.

    PS. I actually think the diggings are Little Bendigo…not Nerinna. It’s hard to explain how to get there, you have to walk up the hill behind the Brown Hill Cricket Club and go through the bush tracks. But I’m certain you can access via Nerinna/Little Bendigo end as well. Would be fun to get a Miner’s Right from the Mining Exchange and take a metal detector or a pan and see what you can find.

  2. Angie says:

    Walking along Eureka Street and Queen St with it’s unique older style houses. Or walking/cycling the tracks. There’s one down off Otway street which goes along the Warrenheip Gully.

  3. Frank Golding says:

    Not sure about map boundaries, but would the Eastern Oval be in the zone?

  4. Frank Golding says:

    Why no old Ballarat Orphanage at 200 Victoria st? Or 28 victoria st, once a private hospital, then boys’ hostel and then receiving homes for children?

    And tongue firmly in cheek, St Alipius, home to the nest of notorious paedophiles now rotting in gaol.

  5. Hi there,
    We own the new shop “the Little Cupcake Ballarat” and our shop is 110 years old, it also has a historic marker as the Site of Bentleys Eureka Hotel. Credited as the start of the Eureka rebellion!
    We are a good spot to have a great coffee, tea, milkshake and cupcake for travellers on their way up to MADE only two blocks further up the road.
    Thanks, Madeleine
    This historic marker is a reminder of the large hotel which was burnt to the ground on 17 October 1854 by disgruntled miners. Bentley, the hotel proprietor was acquitted for the murder of James Scobie, a miner, despite damning evidence to the contrary.

  6. laurene dietrich says:

    i was once told there was a leper colony in ballaarat east – i think in the vicinity of sovereign hill. i’ve always wondered where it was and how it happened/stopped happening. would love to see this on the heritage trail list – not least of all so i could find out about it.

  7. […] have put them all into a page which is here, and is accessible from the home page (see the menu up the top) called TOURS? We hope that over […]

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