VCAT Directions Hearing for old Orphanage site
“Good morning BE Net I have attached the VCAT notice for 200, 200A, 200B Victoria Street Ballarat East .The Ballarat Council, Former Residents and other parties are heading back to VCAT on the 17 of October 2014 to be held in Melbourne. It’s our understanding its to see where all parties are at present. This is not to say that VCAT may or not support or accept the findings from the The Independent Planning Panel report or from the Council decision.We hope the outcome from this hearing is that VCAT will wait for the Minister of Planning decisions on the City Of Ballarat Council meeting preference to retain the School House Building, with the Wailing Wall to remain intact.Let’s hope we can get a good outcome from the hearing and they will adjourn to a later date when they have all the results. Thanks to BE Net and Ballarat East residents for your support.”