Mar 16

VCAT Planning & Environment Appeals Workshops

Here is some great news sent in by a resident about workshops for individuals and community groups unable to afford professional assistance with their VCAT appeal. Please drop a comment below if you’d like to wee BE Net organise one of these locally.

A workshop for planning permit objectors involved in VCAT appeals.

Our VCAT planning appeals workshop runs for two hours and is designed to assist objectors to participate constructively and effectively in VCAT proceedings.

Attendees are given practical, legally-focused information about VCAT proceedings and hearings along with plenty of opportunity and encouragement for questions and discussion.

The program is flexible and topics can be tailored to meet the needs and interests of workshop attendees.

Topics include:

  • an overview of the Victorian Planning and Environment Law System, the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and Victorian Planning Schemes.
  • information about decision makers, third party rights, and appeals in the Victorian planning arena.
  • a detailed look at the review body, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (“VCAT”).

Who can attend workshops?

The workshops are intended for individuals and community groups unable to afford professional assistance with their VCAT appeal.

Please note that Environment Defenders Office does not represent or provide training or other services to planning permit applicants. For further information about who we do act for see our Legal Represention page.

If you need professional assistance, the Planning Institute of Australia (Victoria) and the Law Institute of Victoria may be able to assist with a referral to a suitably qualified planner or lawyer.

These workshops are not for those seeking professional development training. Training for professionals is available through Planet training and Public Land Consultancy offers training in planning law.

Upcoming Workshops

Carlton – 60L Green Building

In 2013:

  • Wednesday 27 March 2013
  • Tuesday 30 April 2013
  • Thursday 30 May 2013

Please contact the office for workshop charge.

Printable PDF flier (PDF, 118KB)

Bookings are essential as places are limited to 15.
To register contact the EDO on (03) 8341 3100 or

Regional and Metropolitan

Contact us (as above) to discuss a workshop for your group in your area.


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