Mar 13

Victoria Street Orphanage site

Here is some information about the soon to be ‘development site’ in Victoria Street that was once an Orphanage and school. Forgotten Australians are urging residents to rally to save the last significant buildings on the site. Trees have already gone down here yet no word on permit applications… be vigilant folks…

Ballarat Orphanage / Children’s Home  Rally Walk Event

Please show your support: come and walk with us – and sign the petition. All welcome to join in a peaceful Rally Walk event from former Alexandra Babies Toddlers Home crossing the railway bridge to the former Ballarat Orphanage / Children’s Home site.

Bring along something significant for the walk  Musical Instrument, School Books, Suitcase etc.

Please help us show how significant this site is for all former residents and the wider community of Ballarat. The rally walk is to save a piece of history, show that the early 1900 buildings shouldn’t be DEMOLISHED.

When:  31st of March 2012

Time :  10.30 am gathering at 187 Scott’s Parade Ballarat East. Anyone  unable to walk the rally can  meet at the ORPHANAGE site .

Rally Walk Start :  11.00 am , Walking up Scott’s Parade over railway bridge crossing Victoria Street. Finishing at the former Ballarat Orphanage site at  200 Victoria Street Ballarat East.

Refreshments :  Sausage Sizzle and bottle water.

Register your interest Contact: Deb Findlay  at CAFS   03 53371643   or 0426204998

This event is supported by: Cafs Ballarat, Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co – Operative , Care Leavers Australia Network & Open Place Services  Support for Forgotten Australians.

Warm Wishes



  1. Jeff says:

    Any development will have to include a large round-a-bout/lights at the Victoria Intersection if it is high/medum density at a great cost to the council. There is a large parcel of land opposite the eureka park also in the throws of high density development. what is wrong with a development to encourage families to live in the area not just they young and very old. families need backyards. Already there is a carve up all long victoria street and to be honest it detracts from ballarats image. why have a heritage overlay at all when it does ot apply to planners and developers. it seems the heritage overlay applys to people living in the houses they own.

  2. Alice Christie says:

    Count me in, I will be there.

  3. Victoria Wardlaw says:

    I’ll be there….please everyone get behind this….is our Heritage Watch people involved?

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