What is Diversity?
What is diversity. And how does it impact on our neighbourhood character?
One of my most favourite things about Ballarat east is its humble beginnings, its honest workin’ folk and the fact that adversity and creativity have come together to create a unique area, with unique people, unique housing, unique roads and lots of native vegetation. This is our Neighbourhood Character. This is diversity. A difference.
You can take a walk any day of the week, and I walk most of them, and you will see something different, and often that something different is right beside something different.
Like this on one side of the road.
And this directly opposite.
Or this garden on one side.
And this garden on the other.
Then this beautiful palm.
Then this old beauty.
And these ducks all thrown in for good measure.
Surely all worthy of protecting from the small homes built by developers. All the same.
Up for sale or lease every other day. Sameness is the opposite of diversity.
So help us invest in better, more sustainable, better designs for our beautiful area.
Help us by sharing ballarateast.net with your friends and neighbours, subscribing (top right) and taking some time to make an effort when the homes near you are marked for demolition, or subdivision. Remain vigilant friends, residents and neighbours.
The diversity of architecture & gardens reflects the diversity of the people. Who wants to live amongst people who are just the same as ourselves? That would be boring.
great shots BE Net. Just as sameness is the opposite of diversity, so are wheelie bins en masse the opposite of … well, just about everything!