What would Peter Lalor say?
Recently Erin was asked to speak at a Leadership event at MADE, the topic was ‘If Peter Lalor was alive today, what would he be fighting for?’ Erin’s answer was he would fight for what he fought for then – the Right to Stand Up and Speak Out.
The event was done Pecha Kucha style – 20 image only slides with 20 seconds per slide. There were five speakers: Erin McCuskey Ballarat East Network, Jane Smith MADE Director, Brett Edgington Trades Hall President, Kieran Murrihy & Dave McGuiness from Foresight Lane, Glen Walker from Sargeant Transport.
Some recordings were made, here is Erin for Ballarat East Network:
[…] presented at MADE a number of times, most recently for the Melbourne Writers Festival. Here is a presentation about Ballarat East, given at MADE. And here is fabulous […]
Love this!
Wow! Ballarat East is so lucky to have you Erin.
You’re so right Diane!