Feb 21

What’s up with Offsets? Seminar – Environment Defenders’ Office, Victoria

Wednesday 27 February 2013 5.45pm – 7.30pm
Clearfelling blk and white
In Victoria offsets have been widely used in the context of the regulation of native vegetation clearing.

Recent proposals to change native vegetation clearing rules in Victoria foreshadow a major weakening of these laws and much expanded use of offsets.

This seminar will provide a critical look at offsets for biodiversity loss and whether problems in the system can adequately be dealt with, whether offset rules need to be overhauled, or whether the idea of offsets needs fundamentally to be reviewed.

  • Dr Sarah Bekessy – Senior lecturer in environmental studies at RMIT University. *Sarah specialises in decision science for environmental problems, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary solutions for the conservation of biodiversity.  Sarah is involved in a range of research projects, including a Myer Foundation grant titled ‘Reimagining the Australian Suburb: planning for grasslands in the urban fringe‘. Sarah is a member of the‘Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions’ research hub that seeks to develop and test tools to support transparent decision-making for environmental management (www.ceed.edu.au).
  • Brendan Sydes – CEO Environment Defenders Office.

More information on the Seminars and Events page

60L Green Building
Ground floor Meeting rooms
60 Leicester Street

Download Flyer (PDF,260KB)

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