Oct 9

Who will you vote for?

This month the residents of the City of Ballarat get to participate in the democratic process of voting in those people who will represent us in Local Government. There is a lot of info here http://www.vec.vic.gov.au/Current/Ballaratcandidatestatements.html

There are three vacancies in South Ward, and eight candidates. BE Net asked these potential Councillors standing in South Ward, which includes most of Ballarat East, to answer a simple question ‘What is your vision for Ballarat East?’ Turns out it wasn’t so simple after all so we gave the candidates free reign to take the question where-ever they wished.

Here are the responses we got, in the order we got them:

  • Des Hudson – yes (video below)
  • David Eldridge – yes (video below)
  • Joshua Morris – yes (video below)
  • Jim Rinaldi – no thanks
  • Sundram Sivamalai – yes – made an appointment for an interview, however he didn’t show up nor send his apologies
  • Peter Innes – apologised and indicated he had family issues to attend to (no contest there, family must always come first)
  • Matt Mattson – no answer after two requests
  • Stephen Pelchen – no answer after two requests

We would urge residents to review these videos and really check out what some of these Councillors are saying, or not saying. This system is tricky because it depends so much on preferences. Please check this page and notice how many times some Councillors are put last in preferences, how could something like that happen do you think? If you need more info about how the whole process works The Courier had a simple explanation of the complex issue today here. What ever happens this new council has a minimum of five new Councillors out of a total of nine, experience here will be key, or should be.

Please view these videos and leave comments at the end of this post. Please note this is a moderated site and abusive comments will not be allowed. This videos have not been edited nor altered in any way, each candidate was given up to three minutes. If we get any more interviews prior to election closing we will add these to the bottom of the post.

  • Des Hudson –

  • David Eldridge –

  • Joshua Morris –


  1. Alice Christie says:

    As a current councillor who is restanding, I am happy to support Des Hudson in this ward partly due to his support and attendance at the community meeting in March and his motion to oppose an overdevelopment in Fussell Street. Here he speaks eloquently and endorses the need to reflect neighbourhood character in the Ballarat East area. From what I have seen he is active and involved. I am also pleased to see a Greens endorsed candidate stand who must also be elected if we are to see some political balance in Council.

  2. caroline day says:

    I’d like to congratulate David Eldridge for running for this office. I know he deeply believes in and lives by the Green values he is presenting. His business and legal background would serve him well in this position. I’ve known David for many years and and can vouch for his deeply thoughtful and efficient approach. Not only that he’s a loyal friend. **He’s Ballarat’s man!! **

    • Diane says:

      Yes Caroline, I have been impressed with David’s campaign so far. Ballarat East residents are taking this election very seriously and looking at all options. I having written to him and awaiting a reply on some of my concerns.

  3. Judy R says:

    Thanks BE Net for putting this together. The info adds to what we may already think we know but availability to actually speak to us speaks volumes. We need a balance between experience and fresh ideas and drive. It’s not an easy ask as the council officers under the state government seem to have most things stitched up as they have to work within those guidelines, BUT it’s amazing what people power can and will achieve. So go Easties and vote with care.

  4. Roy says:

    Des is eloquent and passionate. In my own experience, he listens to his ward and to the city of Ballarat as a whole. He gives his time generously as a councillor and as a police member. His decisions don’t always go my way, but I am convinced he has taken all views into account. As far as I am concerned, Des Hudson #1, preferences: Des Hudson.

  5. Erin says:

    wow Judy Wilson… you obviously have no idea how helpful and committed Des has been to this area. He is also placed at 8 (or last) in preferences of five of the eight people standing in this ward – block much? How many stooges in that lot I wonder? Maybe the ones that didn’t respond to many other requests for interviews? Do you really want a totally new council and lose all that experience? I think not, not for the kind of city I want, one that is clever and smart and takes risks to ensure that people come before money…

  6. Judyann says:

    It’s always a concern when some candidates have ‘no comments’ to make.

    It would seem to indicate that there is no interest in local issues by these people who would wish to represent us on council.

    A challenge for those who refused to comment, please do your research, and get back to BE Net.

  7. Louise says:

    I do like the idea of introducing new faces to the council and having a youthful, new generation approach to the city, but in protecting our community I also think the experience of council processes is desperately needed to fight off overdevelopment. Any mention of the Hickman St development from any of the councillors so far? I don’t know if it’s in our area, but it’s massively important and will set an unseen precedent for Ballarat…scary stuff!

  8. Diane says:

    This was very informative. I have also attended the forum held by BRRA. A couple of the candidates are already making a habit of no-shows when invited to share their views. Well done to these guys for taking up this opportunity, just wish the noisy Ballarat East wildlife would keep the noise down while filming is in progress!

  9. Judy Wilson says:

    5 new Councillors hey Des? Here’s hoping for 9!

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