Mar 7

Wilson revised

You might remember a recent application for 628 Wilson St?

If not here is the background:

Thanks to some observant neighbours and their contribution to a mediation session, the developers have gone away and come back with a revised application. It has gone from a six lot subdivision to a four lot subdivision, still too much in our opinion, but please take some time to have a look yourself.

Initially advertised as a three lot subdivision, incorrectly, the advertising time has been extended to 24/03/2014 to ensure people have enough time to take in the new information.

Again we say please go and have a look your self. You can call into the Council Offices in Armstrong Street, or follow these instructions to access the plans online:

1. go to (or click on link)
2. click on “Town Planning Applications”
3. select “Planning Applications Currently on Advertising” then click ‘Next’
4. click on the application you are interested in (in this case PLP/2013/968 628 Wilson Street)
Then you will be taken to a list of downloadable PDFs, the main one is the “Application for a Planning Permit”, and the “Plan of subdivision”.

Then have a good look, and if you still want to object:

2. enter the details and the reason for your objection
3. click next, and you will receive a summary of your objection
4. click next and you will receive confirmation like this (make sure you take a screen grab):

confirmation like this:

Here is the property today:



  1. Steven says:

    The existing site is definitely an eyesore. What I am not certain about is whether the proposed development actually improves the site. In the plan’s current position there is quite a bit to be concerned about. There is no landscaping plan, which if left as it is will mean no landscaping will take place.

    Two extra blocks will place a large imposition on the current site. I doubt developing it will improve the situation. There is little public open space in Ballarat East and this will only increase pressure on the area.

    The proposed plan does not comply with some aspects of the development plan for the area. My understanding of the development plan for the area is that sites of less than 400sqm must be within a 800m from shops. There are no shops within a kilometre of the site.

  2. Erin says:

    There are a few issues in your comment Wendy:
    1. The site was incorrectly advertised as three lots not the four that are proposed. Its important that this is clear and correct.
    2. The site has only recently become visible as it was previously hidden by vegetation that was leveled by the developers.
    3. The proposal does not include a landscape plan and we have learned from experience that if its not in the permit it doesn’t happen.
    4. Lack of backyards and private open space put a lot of pressure for space to be provided in the surrounding area. In the Ballarat Open Space Strategy, Ballarat East is noted as lacking public open space.
    5. Subdivision is not the same as sharing a lot. Often it brings obstructive fencing (despite the Koala action plan calling for koala friendly fencing in this area).

    And finally ‘tasteful’ is clearly a matter of taste. We require diversity, green spaces, wildlife friendly and people friendly sustainable development in Ballarat East. This proposal doesn’t meet any of that criteria.

  3. Wendy Walker says:

    These units at 628 Wilson Street have been an eyesore for years.
    The building is ugly and run down. The new owners have proposed to
    Repaint the exterior of the existing 3 units and improve the landscaping.
    The proposed small units to be placed on the block will be appealing
    And also tastefully landscaped, in my opinion enhancing this neglected corner.
    This site failed to explain that the original proposal was advertised as
    As a subdivision of three, because three units already exist on the block. This is
    Not a single home situated on the block, as was thought by some objectors,
    But it is three units joined in a circle and has been for many years.
    I for one would welcome this tiny and tasteful subdivision in my neighbourhood and would welcome these ugly units to be beautified. Let us choose our battles wisely. For others who are not opposed to this update, let your voices be heard.

    • BE Network says:

      Thanks Wendy. BE Net is a place for community discussion so its good to see you joining in. we really need our community to see the big picture, not just single developments. We hope you take the time to look at the other developments going on around Ballarat East, and comment on the impact of these on this area.

  4. Diane says:

    Glad this was readvertised correctly..

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