Aug 9

Wilson St déjà vu

Thank you for the myriad letters, emails, Facebook notifications and drop ins we got about this development. We would say welcome back, however we all know the hard work involved in fighting a development to ensure the community and the environment get a better result.

What would our forebears say? Mine would say ‘hang tough’. ‘The only time to give up is never!’ ‘Together we are strong.’

Wilson StHere is the background to 809 Wilson Street. Where it went, how we fought, how we got council to stand up and how we went to VCAT and returned with a great report to help save Wilson Street, on the border of Canadian State Forest.

This area is directly connected to Ballarat’s green corridor, is in the area identified as being an area to be protected by City of Ballarat. Will you help by reading about what the developer proposes this time? Will you help by writing an objection letter?

You do not have to live beside this development to make a submission about it!

You do not have to be directly affected by it to make a submission about it!

If you think this is good for Ballarat then do nothing!

If you believe, as many of us Easties do, that this development is an over-development of this area then do any or all of the following:

  • inform yourself about what the developer has planned:
    1. go to (or click on link)
    2. click on “Town Planning Applications”
    3. select “Town Planning Applications on Advertising” then click ‘Next’
    4. click on the application ‘809 Wilson Street’
    5. click on link: VIEW APPLICATION DETAILS HERE Then you will be taken to a list of downloadable PDFs, the main one is the “Plan of subdivision” and the ‘Response to Neighbourhood Residential Zone’
  • talk to the City of Ballarat council officers to make sure you understand what is happening:
  • send an email to us for inclusion on meeting times of neighbours to discuss action from here!

Its really very simple to make a submission about this development, online or in writing. You will need to do so by 21st August 2014

With the majority of blocks being small 500-600 square metres (some larger however). The developers has decreased the number of blocks from 37 to 34 not quite enough for locals! Also the City of Ballarat has requested that the State Government approve this area be part of the Residential Neighbourhood Zone.

Comment below about how you feel so we get a feel for how you are feeling!!


Heaven, Wilson St morning.



One comment

  1. Judyann says:

    This developer is very persistent. Their plan now is to try to stop the rezoning of this very sensitive area, so they can cram lots of small blocks on the area.
    PLEASE make your submissions in the next few days, while your dander is up.
    Don’t forget to write to the councilors as well, so they know how we feel about this invasion.
    Do we want another subdivision like the one on Stockade St. placed next to our lovely forest?

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