Nov 15

Wilson Street, needing your views

Here is a letter from local resident Judy who has been instrumental in ensuring that this development is the best it can be…

Dear Friends and Neighbours,
You will have received the latest news from the City council, re this subdivision. Thanks to the help from all, the plan is very much improved. There are still a few changes in the details which were not shown, they should be on the eservices website tomorrow morning.
I have sent in a submission to keep in the loop. In it, I mentioned a few things which I think need attention.
  • Attention to fencing suitable for native animals;
  • Gentle street lighting, with consideration to native animals, not the big searchlights as seen elsewhere.
  • Query re domestic pets.
  • Query depth of cuttings and retaining walls needed for building placement. (This information was offered to us at the mediation meeting, but, not available as yet.)
  • Concern of further subdivision of these lots.
You may have other concerns, and it is simple to let them be known through the website (even I can do it).
Once again, thank you all so much for the hours of work you have put into our previous submissions, attending meetings  VCAT, photocopying and delivering notices etc. I believe that we have gained much by doing this.
Kind Regards,  Judy
Great work Judy. we would add the issue of building envelopes and tree protection as well.

One comment

  1. judyann says:

    I appreciate the publicity and help given by ballarateast net regarding 809 Wilson St proposed subdivision. Thank you all very much, and particularly to Erin who always has her ear and eye on the ground.

    I hope that everyone who has any question regarding details of this, to contact the planning department of the Town Hall with your concern in the next 5 days, or call in and check the amended plans. You can also make comment through Eservices, Ballarat City Council.

    Everyone has a chance to check up on the detail, please do so.

    This is a very sensitive area, and we hope that the very best can be done for the benefit of humans and animals.

    Thank you all once again, Judy

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