Aug 31

Wilson Street

Have you heard the news? VCAT upheld council decision to deny a permit for 809 Wilson Street. It is worth the effort to make positive changes to developments here in the East.

And to quote a resident on our facebook page – “we want quality, well planned subdivisions that are site specific and consider the natural features of the site and enhance the neighbourhood character of the East. Thank you to Ballarat Planning Dept for demanding quality development for this quality city.”

Couldn’t have said it any better. Also it seems the new zoning is imminent so get down to council and tell them you want to protect the East.

UPDATE: still time to put in contribution about Rodier Street, and about the Fire Station in Barkly Street.

Also found in Wilson Street some beautiful thoughtful works. The creators might get their parents to email for a little reward for going to the effort to beautify Ballarat East with art.

wilson st footpath 1

wilson st footpath 2


  1. Margaret says:

    The power of the group. . great work. Wondering how the other Wilson St sub division just slid through, the loss of wild life and noise polution is already prevelant as the neighbourhood deals with up to 4 motor bikes going round and round in circles over this property every weekend!!

    • Jo says:

      Margaret could you please clarify what wild life has disappeared from 619 Wilson Street?
      The only wildlife that has left recently is the white Ibis, and that’s because they are only present here during the winter months – this is a yearly occurrence. All the kookaburras, magpies, frogs etc are here as normal.

      As for the noise pollution – my family has looked after this property for 80 years, in that time the entire neighbourhood has had the pleasure of enjoying the “country outlook”, and the “peace” that’s comes with that – many times it has been used as a selling point for local property with no benefit to my family. It has always been well looked after with fire breaks in place, neat and tidy etc and generally used in a very quiet manner. Blood, sweat and tears have literally gone into this property to make it the beautiful place it has been, unfortunately things change, and it will be heart breaking for me to see this property developed. We are making the most of this land with what time we have left, and yes that has involved riding the bikes around as a family spending some quality time together. The sound of a few motorbikes being ridden during perfectly reasonable hours on private property is nothing compared to the noise that will be created during the development and the following occupation of the numerous houses.

  2. kaye says:

    two words ….WELL DONE….. proud of you easties…we certainly know one thing and that is how to fight for our heritage…….just like our forebearers at eureka stokade

  3. Alice Christie says:

    Great work guys! Fantastic result.

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