With hope, Judy
Here is a public letter from Judy Johnson:
Image by Judy Johnson:
Hello to my neighbours in the Fussell St/Wilson St/Long St area of Ballarat East.
Re the 809 Wilson St Proposed development PLP/2011/683
You may have heard something about a proposed subdivision this area, and thought “Oh well, it doesn’t affect me”
It will affect you very much in your everyday lives as it will affect my close neighbours in Wilson St., East of Fussell St. and me. I live opposite the land in question. The land is very hilly, with steep valleys running through it. These valleys are quite boggy, as normal, again following the drought. Any major changes to this very sensitive land would change water flow patterns and may flood other properties further away, and any drains put in will remove water from its normal flow into creeks and rivers.
The developers also want to remove protected vegetation. This includes trees which house koalas, as well as other wildlife and many of the birds who visit our gardens. We see lovely wildflowers in the spring. The area is a designated FIRE RISK AREA, and there is only one entry/exit from the planned development. Remember the Black Friday Fires.
The development is massive, 39 lots. Narrow roads, very small lots, with no open space within the development or ‘backyards’. Because cars would be essential for life there, parking would be a great problem with no space for visitors cars, remember, there would be over 100 people living there. It would be expected that about 80 vehicles would be moving in and out of the community each day. They would travel half a block west along Wilson St before meeting Fussell St. to travel north to Eureka or Victoria Sts. The corner at Fussell St is very dangerous and it has a considerable distance of blind crest from both directions. Large trucks travel Fussell St at 60-80 KPH. Another roundabout would be required at huge expense to the ratepayer and not the developer. At present only half a dozen cars or so travel in Wilson St daily, but we do have much pedestrian traffic from the neighbourhood, and further afield in the way of family groups, runners, cyclists, walking groups, people walking dogs, and many groups who stay at Pax Hill walk up here day and night (Pax Hill Scout Camp is only a block away from here and their walks are part of the experience).
It seems that no surveys of road conditions and potential dangers seem to be done as these developments are pushed through, regardless.
I have settled into retirement in this lovely patch of paradise, along with a wonderful group of neighbours. We have houses which blend into the landscape and all have many native plants in our gardens. We lead very quiet lives; this is why we are here! Initially, we would have to put up with heavy machinery noise, mud and dust for a year or so while the whole landscape would be sculptured into submission, along with workers racing in and out.
The land is immediately adjacent to the Canadian State Forest, and should really be a buffer between the city and the forest.
We all need to contact our councillors, and write to the council asking for this development to be refused. Please help us all out by doing this, there are too few of us in this immediate area to make ourselves heard, every voice counts.
We CAN change things if we work together.
Yours in hope,
Judy Johnson
According to the planning application this is a STAGED subdivision, which means the development will not all be built at once. Further subdivision of the larger lots could be done at a later stage, however would need another application. Lots 26 and 27 will most likely not be protected in the long term. Recent developments in the area have in fact had much smaller lots created in later stages of developments.
If you have any concerns regarding this development, please let the planning department know of your concerns via a written objection.
An objection form is available from the Council or from their website www.ballarat.vic.gov.au
Or you can write a letter including the following details:
- Your name, address, contact details
- Permit application number – PLP/2011/683
- Property address – 809 Wilson Street
- Applicant – Coughlan Civil
- Reasons for your objection or concern.
Send to Planning Department, City of Ballarat, P O Box 655, Ballarat 3353
You may also wish to contact your local Councillors as they have been very helpful in the past.
Cr. Ben Taylor bentaylor@ballarat.vic.gov.au 0419 507 305
Cr. Des Hudson deshudson@ballarat.vic.gov.au 0409 865 093
Cr. Cheryl Bromfield cherylbromfield@ballarat.vic.gov.au 0448 024 755
For more information on preserving the unique neighbourhood character of Ballarat East, sign up for enews on the website http://ballarateast.online
The Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape this area by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects the Neighbourhood Character.
[…] letter from resident about whats important – http://ballarateast.net/with-hope-judy/ […]
Hi Colleen, I would suggest that you come over here and slowly drive around the streets that border this land, Fussell, York, Wilson and Long. The development will take up about a quarter of that area. You will have to go to Long St to see a yellow sign, the Wilson St. one at the main proposed entry is difficult to find.
The visit may give you inspiration for something to write. Note the subdivision under way here.
We love our country the way it is.
Yes you can object Colleen, anyone is able to object. However one of the issues the council and VCAT will take into account is how the development will impact on you directly.
So you may be better placed to start something in Brown Hill or even have a say about the growth planned for Ballarat and the Central Highlands. Certainly write a letter to your Councillors letting them know of your concerns.
Thanks for your support.
Can I object if I don’t live in the area and wont be directly affected? I am over in Brown Hill but hate the idea of MORE subdivisions on the outskirts of Ballarat.
Colleen, this area where the development is proposed is part of an important wildlife corridor which continues through Brown Hill. The impact of development on the environmental heritage of Ballarat is relevant to anyone who cares about the future of Ballarat. The Council has planned for the protection of this area with the Koala Plan of Management and vegetation protection overlays. The long term plan for Ballarat should be upheld and not the desires of developers who only have their own interests in mind. Thank you for your concern regarding the protection of Ballarat’s Environmental Heritage.