Woodmans Hill Gateway Precinct Master Plan
It’s difficult to believe that there is only one comment made on this plan so far. This area is the gateway to Ballarat and contains a major wildlife corridor. We think its because people don’t know about it. Did you?
The “Woodman’s Hill Gateway Precinct Master Plan” response by the Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) was presented to the City of Ballarat last Friday. According to the planning officer it is so far the only public response to the master plan. There have been some land owners within the zone who have also commented. The FoCC response is now a public document, click here for a copy. Response to the City of Ballarat Woodmans Hill Gateway Precinct Master Plan April May 2nd 2013 by the Friends of the Canadian Corridor.docx”
The Cities website has the “Woodman’s Hill Gateway Precinct Master Plan” project online for those wishing to read the context and planning reports and maps.
While the site indicates that submissions are closed, if you are interested contact the City, it may not be too late. A simple way to do it might be to have a look at the response from FoCC and plain just support or qualify that… work is already done…
How do we leave a response to Council to say we support FoCC? Is is as simple as a letter?
Hello Colleen,
because the date has passed its no longer available on the eservices online space for the city. Suggest you either contact the planning department 5320 5500 and request email address you can send something to, or ask for your name to be added to current document. Cheers
BE Net
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