Aug 8

York St Tree

Remember our request for information about this once beautiful tree in York Street?

Well here is the response we got from the city this week:


We have had an Arborist inspect the street tree, so any urgent attention that is required can be done.

We are now investigating the matter both internally and with the contractors onsite.

I will respond in the near future to what action Council has taken.

Thank you for your time in reporting the issue to Council and we appreciate the effort in assisting the protection of the public’s assets.


We will keep you informed, however if you have ANY information please let us know!

Here is an image from the site today, the broken branch lying there clearly, and other rubbish that is flying around the site!

New York Rubbish




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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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