Dec 22

York Street

siteHere is an objection letter that went in today to council via the online site. It’s not too late, despite the date having past. The council must continue to accept them up until a decision is made – so get cracking, at least have a look at the proposal. Like Rodier St, its over development, dangerous and doesn’t respect neighbourhood character nor the creeks that run through our beautiful area.

Dear BB Net, here is a letter I wrote that I am happy to have you publish.

This proposed development will have a big impact on York Street, one I use everyday. It will impact on the creek paths that I walk every other day. But most of all it will have an adverse impact on the neighbourhood character of the area. And by far the biggest impact will be on the future residents of this development.

My objections specifically are:
1. Over-development – there are not enough open space, private or public for families and children to play and recreate outside. The developer needs to at least half the development and provide vegetation and outdoor space for residents. The development is dangerous with one road in and one road out will create chaos everyday with internal traffic and lack of parking for visitors, and will be a death trap in case of an emergency.
2. Neighbourhood character – surrounding the development are dwellings that are diverse in architecture, materials and orientation. They have gardens and adequate areas in both front and backyards. They are neat and built in various eras, all are fenced and create a true neighbourhood. The proposed development is inward looking, turning its back on the community it should be engaging with. It is ghetto creating with similar style dwelling and similar sizes not unlike public housing of the 70s which caused so many issues for residents an neighbours. All research now is pointing towards a need for diversity of size, diversity of style AND also suggests that open spec is a must for livable sustainable housing.
3. The amount of traffic being forced into York St, only metres from a round-about and directly opposite the local Milk-bar is bound to cause enormous headaches for residents, locals, emergency services, and for rubbish pick up.

This development MUST be reconsidered in light of the recent VCAT decision about 23 Rodier St which was large scale development, in Ballarat East, beside the creek.

Beautiful diverse chaotic Ballarat East, developed over the last 100 years is in danger of being totally changed within five years from the amount of over development happening here. We have a forest, small miners cottages and industry, why can’t developers support sustainable development that respects our diversity, our heritage and our community.

Erin McCuskeyplans


  1. Josie says:

    I can’t help noticing just before christmas last year was when the Rodier St objections were required. It must be a comon theme for this development company !

  2. Edie says:

    “Yellow Season” and the Phoenix shut down over the “Christmas season” so no chance to look at the proposal yet, so thanks for publishing that plan. horrors. worse than I expected – and that part of the path is so pleasant with the horse in his paddock and everything, very Ballarat East. The Rodier St result is great ammunition so take heart Easties!

  3. ksye murray says:

    Well ldone Erin I am so glad that you had the time to follow up om my alert to the yellow peril. It is also ineresting to note that the developers are the same company that tried to over develop Rodier St. So I expect a few trips to VCAT may be i about to happen again.Great letter submitted to Council and I wll be watching this proposal closely.Once again thank you for following up this overdevelopment.

  4. Juliette Calderone says:

    Good on you for wanting to share this issue . I agree there is far too much development in East Ballarat . The character of the area will be lost , and its historic beauty altered ..

    Bravo to You.

  5. Judyann says:

    Very nicely put, Erin.
    I put in an objection also with similar comment, but not as well written.
    I also noted that average house block sizes adjacent are about 4 times the size as those proposed, so suggested about 7 dwellings on the land. I expect there will be a need for soil tests seeing as this is adjacent to a filthy, vandalised old factory.
    I feel that the’ Yellow Season’ takes place partly because there is no allowance in time for the public holidays, or the fact that many people take their holidays then., and getting kids back to school Should be at least a 6-8 week time limit.
    “GOODWILL TO NO MAN” with these plans.

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