Jan 3

Developers take the City to VCAT over Orphanage

Clearly the developers here cannot wait to knock over everything from the Old Orphanage site on Victoria Street.

Here is a letter telling objectors about the trip to VCAT, click here for the detailed application VCAT – Old Orphanage Site.

Thanks to eagle eyed residents for the alert.



  1. TheEdge says:

    Disgusting, immoral and jaw dropping behaviour from the developer – the letter was sent of Friday 20th December so did not reach Former Residents in many cases until the day before Christmas. And leaving until the 13th January for objectors to respond with multiple letters to appeal the developer and support the City under the guise of Christmas. To do this over Christmas which is supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable time with friends and family is just sick – to panic former residents and staff at this time was reprehensible and no doubt done with the view to not allow enough respondents to support the City of Ballarat’s decision at VCAT. Certainly shows the character of the developers we are dealing with here.

  2. Frank Golding says:

    Don’t you love the Christmas greetings at the end of the letter. Hypocrites!

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